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Terry Bowes: The Remarkable Journey of Copenhagen and Denmark Beach Soccer.

In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Terry, the coach of Copenhagen Beach Soccer Club and the Denmark National Beach Soccer Team. Join us as we dive into their extraordinary journey, from humble beginnings to astounding achievements. Terry will illuminate the driving forces of passion, dedication, and unyielding determination that have sculpted this incredible success story.

BSmag: Terry, thank you for joining us. Can you take us back to when the journey with Copenhagen and Denmark Beach Soccer began in 2019?

Terry: It’s a pleasure to be here. In 2019, we embarked on this incredible journey with a group of players who showed tremendous promise and dedication to beach soccer. From the very beginning, we knew we had something special in our hands.

BSmag: The recent achievements of both Copenhagen and Denmark Beach Soccer have been nothing short of exceptional. Can you tell us more about the highlights of these achievements?

Terry: Certainly! In 2021, Denmark reached its highest-ever finish at the European World Cup Qualifiers, which was a significant milestone for the team. The following year, Copenhagen made history by securing the sixth spot at the prestigious Euro Winners Cup, while Denmark continued to excel in the Euro League. These achievements were a testament to the players’ hard work and determination.

BSmag: The dedication of the players is truly remarkable. What do you believe has been the driving force behind their success?

Terry: The players’ unwavering desire to succeed and their willingness to embrace new philosophies have been the driving force behind their success. They train continually throughout the year, rain or shine, for the last four years. Their commitment and passion for the sport are what set them apart and contributed to their impressive growth.

BSmag: Denmark’s achievements are even more remarkable given the challenges they faced. Can you tell us more about the lack of support from the DBU and how the team overcame this hurdle?

Terry: It’s true; Denmark has faced its share of challenges. Despite not receiving the support they deserved from their federation, the players remained undeterred. Their determination and self-belief propelled them forward, proving that passion and unity can overcome obstacles.

BSmag: The addition of Llorenc Gomez seems to have played a crucial role in the team’s progress. How did this collaboration come about, and what impact did Llorenc have on the players?

Terry: After the Mar Menor Cup in December 2022, Llorenc Gomez and our captain, Casper Dorph, had a conversation that sparked an exciting partnership. Llorenc recognized the potential within the group and believed he could elevate both the players and the team. His coaching expertise and detailed training programs brought a new dimension to the team, and the players responded exceptionally well to his guidance.

BSmag: The journey to the European World Cup Qualifiers was undoubtedly intense. Can you tell us about the team’s preparation and how they performed during the competition?

Terry: The journey to the qualifiers was rigorous, with the players putting in countless hours of hard work and training. Facing tough opponents like Switzerland and Portugal, they demonstrated their skill and determination, emerging victorious in crucial matches and earning a spot in the European World Cup Qualifiers.

BSmag: Despite the defeat against Portugal in the final match, Denmark showed remarkable progress. What do you believe are the key takeaways for the team moving forward?

Terry: The defeat against Portugal was undoubtedly a challenging moment for the team. However, it also provided invaluable lessons. We need to learn from these experiences, particularly in handling critical moments during matches. The players’ dedication and their belief in themselves remain strong, and I have no doubt that they will continue to improve and achieve greatness.

BSmag: As the coach, what message do you have for the players and the fans of Copenhagen and Denmark Beach Soccer?

Terry: To the players, I want to express how proud I am of each and every one of them. They have shown remarkable dedication and passion for the sport, and their achievements have only scratched the surface of their potential. For the fans, I would like to say that this journey is far from over. We are determined to keep improving and reaching new heights in beach soccer.

BSmag: Terry, I hear there was a mention of a special event organized by Beach Soccer Worldwide for children with Down Syndrome. Could you tell us more about that experience?

Terry: Absolutely, it was an incredibly heartwarming moment during our European World Cup Qualifiers journey. On Saturday, 8th July, Beach Soccer Worldwide arranged a clinic at the stadium specifically for local children with Down Syndrome. Alongside representatives from Moldova and Ukraine, Llorenc and I took part in supporting this initiative, giving these wonderful youngsters a taste of the sport we all love.

BSmag: That sounds like a beautiful gesture. How was the experience for you and the team?

Terry: It was truly amazing to witness the joy and happiness that it brought to the children and their families. Beach soccer has always been about promoting inclusivity and providing opportunities for everyone to enjoy the sport. Seeing the smiles on the faces of those children as they interacted with the players and experienced the sport firsthand was incredibly rewarding. It reminded us of the power of sports to bring people together and create unforgettable moments.

BSmag: That must have been a very touching and memorable experience for everyone involved. How do you think initiatives like this contribute to the growth and impact of beach soccer on a global level?

Terry: Initiatives like these not only create unforgettable memories for the children and their families but also showcase the positive and inclusive values that beach soccer represents. It can inspire others to embrace the sport and spread its message of unity and joy and I hope that we can continue to be involved in similar initiatives in the future.

BSmag: That’s truly inspiring, Terry. It’s evident that beach soccer goes beyond just a sport and has the potential to make a real difference in people’s lives. Thank you for sharing this heartwarming experience with us.

Terry: You’re welcome. It was my pleasure to be here and talk about our incredible journey and the meaningful moments we’ve encountered along the way. Thank you for having me.



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