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Meet Brian: The Man Behind Beach Soccer Los Angeles.

There’s something inherently captivating about beach soccer, and today, we’re taking a deep dive into this captivating world with Brian, the passionate Founder of Beach Soccer Los Angeles.

Brian’s journey into the sport wasn’t a mere coincidence, it’s a tale woven with threads of dedication, relentless passion, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence. In this exclusive interview, we’ll have the chance to explore the remarkable story of Brian and the fascinating world of beach soccer he’s immersed in.

BSmag: Can you briefly share your beach soccer journey, particularly what ignited your passion for this unique sport, and how did it become such a significant part of your life?
Brian: My journey in beach soccer was quite unexpected. I was initially drawn to the challenge of playing on the sand, assuming that my fitness and soccer background would make me excel. However, I quickly realized how demanding the sport was and took it upon myself to create my training routines since there weren’t many resources available. I recorded and shared my progress online to help others, and that’s when I became addicted to beach soccer. The fact that it’s not as widely supported by organizations only added to the challenge, making me even more passionate about it.

BSmag: As the Founder of Beach Soccer Los Angeles, establishing and organizing leagues in LA must have come with its share of challenges. Could you share some of those hurdles and how you overcame them?
Before starting competitive leagues, I organized weekly pickup games open to the community. These games attracted 20-40 people, 2-3 times a week. The transition to competitive leagues was driven by my desire to see more competition and to draw more people into the sport. One of the main challenges was the strong presence of 11-a-side football in LA. Many teams and leagues offered financial incentives, which created competition. To overcome this, I’m working on ways to offer financial rewards to winning teams in my events. Also, I’m committed to raising awareness for women’s beach soccer.

I treat everyone equally and support those who support me. My approach for women’s leagues involves dividing players into teams to balance experience and opportunities for newcomers. I aim to maintain a close-knit community with a strong personal touch.


BSmag: Can you shed light on your coaching approach for beach soccer players? What unique strategies or techniques do you employ to help them succeed in this sport?
Brian: I’m a disciplined and intense coach. I have high expectations and a strong work ethic. My coaching style is flexible, and I focus on understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and needs of my players. I’m realistic and don’t accept excuses. The key to my approach is to find solutions and maintain a positive attitude; there’s a solution for everything.

BSmag: The popularity of beach soccer is on the rise compared to traditional soccer. What factors do you think are contributing to this growth, and how do you see its future development locally and globally?
Brian: Coastal nations should include beach soccer in their training programs. They have a natural advantage, and it’s a unique way to tap into their footballing potential. For nations without a coastline, building facilities and offering educational courses is crucial. The future is bright, but there’s much work to be done. Our generation may not reap the financial rewards, but if we’re truly passionate, we’ll make the sacrifices needed to advance the sport.

BSmag: Organizing beach soccer events requires careful planning. Could you share some of your most memorable events and how you ensure a positive experience for participants and spectators?
Brian: My most memorable event is yet to come – the girl’s beach soccer league I’ll be hosting this December. It’s a groundbreaking initiative, and I believe that inspiring young players and their parents is key to growing the sport. My focus is on building better players through women’s leagues and tournaments.

BSmag: Effective marketing plays a crucial role in promoting beach soccer. What are some successful marketing strategies you’ve employed to raise awareness and attract more players and fans to the sport?
Brian: My primary focus is on Instagram. Authenticity is my marketing strategy; I believe in showing the real work and dedication behind the sport, rather than trying to look cool for views.

Beach Soccer Los Angeles at NASSC 2022

BSmag: What qualities and skills do you look for when recruiting players for your beach soccer teams, and how do you foster teamwork and camaraderie among them?
Brian: I believe in offering opportunities for everyone to join. I don’t exclude anyone, as this would hinder the sport’s growth. My league is open to anyone, and I encourage players to train together in both competitive and less competitive settings. My focus is on building a strong beach soccer community.

BSmag: We understand you are also a DJ, so you must understand how music impacts the atmosphere and energy of beach soccer games.
Brian: Music is everything. I strive to create a vibrant and enjoyable atmosphere for both players and spectators. I play a variety of music styles from around the world to enhance the experience.

BSmag: Looking ahead, what are your plans and goals for Beach Soccer Los Angeles?
Brian: While I can’t reveal all my plans, my goal is to make Los Angeles the ultimate beach soccer destination. I’m working on various projects to surprise and delight beach soccer enthusiasts and players in the coming years.

BSmag: Thank you Brain
Brian: You are welcome anytime to discuss the game.

Follow BSmag on Instagram for more, also checkout BeachSoccerLA


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