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Champion Mindset: Eran Aviv’s Story from Hobby to Success.

Eran Aviv’s journey is a testament to the power of a champion mindset. Establishing Rosh Haayin Beach Soccer Club in 2007 as a summer hobby, he has transformed the club into a beach soccer powerhouse.

“I started the club as a hobby, but soon realised the potential for growth and competition,” Aviv explains. “We’ve worked tirelessly to professionalise the team, and our achievements are a direct result of that effort. It’s been an incredible journey, and so far, I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished.”

Rosh Haayin Beach Soccer Club; Silver medalist at he 2024 World Winners Cup in Alghero, Italy.
Rosh Haayin Beach Soccer Club – World Winners Cup Alghero 2024

Under Aviv’s leadership, Rosh Haayin has achieved impressive milestones, including Israel Champions in 2011, Euro Winners Challenge Champions in 2022, and recently a silver medal at the 2024 World Winners Cup. When asked about his success, Aviv emphasises the importance of continuous improvement.

“I always try to improve myself and my team,” Aviv says. “I provide the best possible terms for success. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but we keep trying until we reach gold. It’s about building a strong dynamic team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and providing top-notch facilities and resources.”

Aviv attributes his success to his ability to adapt and evolve. “The sports landscape is constantly changing, and you need to be able to adjust your strategy accordingly,”

Lessons Learned and Advice

Aviv shares valuable insights gleaned from his experience, highlighting the importance of learning from mistakes. “Analysing setbacks helps us refine our strategy and come back stronger,” he explains. “Gratitude also fosters positivity and teamwork, so I make sure to express my appreciation to my team and staff regularly.”

His philosophy? “Be a good, honest person, and be thankful.” This has propelled his business interests to remarkable achievements, including his sport clubs.

On balancing business ownership with team management, Aviv advises prioritising teamwork and collaboration. “It’s essential to stay focused on shared goals and maintain open communication channels,” he notes. “As a leader, you need to be able to adapt and make tough decisions, always keeping the best interests of the team in mind.”

Nutrition and Lifestyle

“Fresh food is crucial, focus on whole foods and make sure to hydrate adequately. For athletes, I recommend morning training sessions for energy and focus, adequate rest and recovery time, and mental preparation techniques for optimal performance.” Aviv stresses the importance of Eating healthy.

He explains further; “A balanced diet is essential for peak performance, I recommend aiming for 50% vegetables, 25% smart carbs, Quinoa as a sample, and 25% protein in every meal. Drinking around 3L of water daily, plus vitamins, also helps maintain energy levels. No need to have more than three meals a day.”

Eran Aviv with team after winning silver at the finals of the 2024 world winners cup in Alghero, Italy.
Eran Aviv with team – World Winners Cup Alghero 2024

Champion Mindset

Aviv identifies several essential characteristics for a champion mindset, starting with commitment and consistency. “Showing up every day and giving your best effort is vital,” he notes. “Resilience is crucial, because bouncing back from setbacks and failures is what separates champions from the rest.”

“Focus on process over perfection is also important,” Aviv adds. “It’s easy to get caught up in winning, but ultimately, it’s about the journey, not the destination. Self-belief, adaptability, passion, and drive are also essential qualities for success. And above all, let integrity – honesty and ethics guide your decisions.”

Future Plans and Legacy

For Aviv, the plan is clear: “To win tournaments!”

This bold ambition fuels his passion to build a lasting legacy, inspiring others through his leadership philosophy and leaving an indelible mark on the sands of time. Aviv’s remarkable journey of dedication, resilience, gratitude and leadership wisdom serve as a powerful reminder of the transformative impact of a champion mindset, inspiring a new generation of leaders and champions.

About Rosh Haayin Beach Soccer Club

Rosh Haayin is a professional beach soccer club based in Rosh Haayin, Israel. The club was founded by Eran Aviv in 2004 as a Futsal team in the Israeli Futsal League and in 2007 as a beach soccer team as part of the Israeli Beach Soccer League.

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